Soli Deo Gloria!
Crown Academy exists to provide a Classical Christian education
recognizing God as the origin of all things True, Good, and Beautiful,
guiding the hearts of young people toward Christ-centered character and affections and endeavoring to prepare students as servant leaders
in their homes, churches, and communities to the Glory of God!
Guiding Principles.
Crown Academy is governed by the following guiding principles:
That it is the duty and privilege of Christian parents to provide Christian Education for their children and this can be best accomplished by concerted action.
That the training of the child begun in the home shall be continued under the parents’ responsible supervision in a school that carries out an educational program where God and His glory are central and supreme in life’s total experience.
That all things have been created to the end that the Triune God may be glorified in and through them.
Statement of faith.
Crown Academy is a ministry of Dayspring Reformed Church and stands firmly on the Bible--God's inspired, infallible, and authoritative Word--as the final rule for all faith and practice. Because our students represent a cross section of confessional evangelicalism, we look to historic documents such as the Heidelberg Catechism, the Canons of Dordt, the Belgic Confession, the Westminster Confession of Faith, and the Apostles Creed as accurate summaries of the key teachings of the Christian faith.