Crown Academy is a ministry of Dayspring Reformed Church and new school start-up for Fall 2020 committed to a classical and Christian education. Crown Academy’s high standards and research-based curriculum will provide students a rigorous and robust education that will challenge them to excel not only in academics but in Christian character development.
Classical education upholds a standard of excellence and has proven itself over the course of time. The creation of a classical and Christian school is to return to a type of education that has been passed down through history to the early 1900s in America. Some of the greatest minds and leaders including America’s Founding Fathers were products of a classical education.
The classical method is based on the philosophy that students should be encouraged to learn consistent with their natural tendencies at age related stages. In 1947, Dorothy Sayers gave a lecture titled The Lost Tools of Learning at Oxford University in which she outlined a course of education called the Trivium. The Trivium which consists of three parts, grammar, dialectic, and rhetoric emphasizing not subjects but skills of learning.
A successful Crown Academy graduate will be highly literate, knowledgeable and passionately motivated to serve their families and communities to the Glory of God! Crown Academy will begin enrolling PreK-4 students for Fall 2020 with the goal to add new grades in successive years.